Strict safety measures have always been a key cornerstone of how Lundy operates, but with the emergence of COVID-19, we have significantly increased our site protocols. We have been working diligently and responsively to uphold the standards set forth by the government since construction resumed.

Not surprisingly, construction sites have been under close scrutiny by various appointed bodies whose mandate it is to ensure construction companies have implemented safe work standards to protect workers from COVID-19. Audits and reports generated through these efforts can go as high as the Premier’s office for review and are not to be taken lightly.

With our in-house safety lead, Jordan Taylor at the helm of our response to pandemic protocols, we are demonstrating that we can achieve these newly-mandated standards, while still remaining productive and on schedule.

In fact, we have been subject to multiple audits by the Province since the reopening of construction, and have managed to achieve a 100% compliance rate and commendation by inspectors.

To accomplish this, we have organized our sites around 5 key parameters:

  1. Daily screening of all workers, visitors and inspectors. We use a touchless digital system that provides key data instantly to site supervisors
  2. COVID measures training, that ensures all staff are fully briefed on site-specific measures
  3. Specially-organized site conditions such as stairwells separated for up or down traffic only
  4. Additional washroom and tool cleaning facilities that undergo strict, regular sanitization
  5. Physical distancing planning that ensures trades are dispersed on site in a logical and orderly fashion

On the surface, it may seem that all of these additional efforts in the face of COVID-19 are burdensome or inconvenient, but it couldn’t be further from the truth. For decades, we’ve been on a path of continually refining means of ensuring safe sites and this is another milestone of the journey.

Going this extra distance for the health and safety of our clients, employees, partners and community at large is of the highest importance to us. Our staff have expressed gratitude for the heightened efforts and this has a direct impact on morale and productivity. And we’re actively sharing best practices with others, helping to ensure that industry standards are elevated for the health and safety of all.